Monday, March 30, 2020

Todd's Boss Man Burger-- Be Forever Changed

You know my passion for all types of burgers and this one comes directly from one of the greats. Boss Man (Mike Hardin)--Owner of Hodad's, winner of the best burger in America. Multiple times.

He turned burger making into a science of explosive flavors

Our first family trip on an airplane was to San Diego and when we made the decision to head to SD, I knew we had to go to one place for sure--Hodad's!

If you ever go to San Diego this is not to be missed. 

Here is my version of this mythical burger.

Cast of Characters:

  • 1/2 lb. 100% grass fed beef
  • 3 strips Bacon
  • 4 slices American cheese
  • 2 hamburger buns
  • Tomato
  • Onion-red or yellow or white
  • Pickles
  • May
  • Mustard
  • Ketchup
  • Salt and pepper
  • Cast iron skillet (not optional--if you don't have one, get one)

Start by chopping up the veggies. Cut the onions in rounds and the tomatoes in 6 slices. Also set up a mound of pickles to help create the amazing structure of the burger. When we met Boss Man, I remember him telling me one of the secrets to his burger is placing the veggies on the bottom so your tongue gets to taste the veggies first, then the burger, Bacon and cheese. (Bacon shall heretofore be capitalized as a gesture of honor and respect. Because...Bacon.) This the KEY to the experience of the Boss Man Burger.

Now dice up that Bacon and let it get "happy happy" in a preheated cast iron skillet over medium heat. Cook it until it is just crispy. Just don't over-crispy them.

Now do you dare put those GRASS FED patties in that Bacon fat?! OF COURSE YOU DO!! Cook until well done. No need to risk E.Coli. The flavor comes from everything and, trust me, the meat will be quite flavorful. Sprinkle with seasoned salt and coarse black pepper. Once you flip the patty, make sure to also season the other side as well.

Now to the buns. Brown the buns in the over on broil. You can butter them or just brown them with nothing. Of course, butter makes it more flavorful and on this special night I totally butter them.

Now for assembly of those buns. Step one--take the bottom bun and add 1 tsp of may and 1/2 tsp of mustard (mix well), then add rings of onion and drizzle over ketchup. Then, add a thick layer of pickles followed by the tomatoes.

Now for the top bun. Place one slice of American cheese and a pile of Bacon on the bun. Then add a second slice of American cheese. Oh MY!

Magic time! Put that top bun with the cheeses and Bacon on the almost completely cooked hamburger patties. Finish the hamburger cooking with the bun/cheese/Bacon on top to melt the cheese and combine the amazingness.

Assembly time! Place the burger/cheese/Bacon/top bun on the mustard/mayo/veggie/ketchup/ bottom bun. Serve with fries, chips or a tray of veggies if you feel really guilty right now. 

Take my advice: ENJOY EACH BITE! You can really only afford to eat this burger a couple times a year. I always eat it on March 30th in memory of Boss Man (RIP). I think if there was ever a burger created with the classic "American" ingredients in mind, this is the epitome. I hope you enjoy this burger as much as my family has.

DISCLAIMER: You will never eat another burger with the same level of enjoyment as before. This burger with ruin you to all other burgers available in this country. Please approach this endeavor with your eyes wide open. You are about to become forever changed.