Saturday, May 9, 2020

Covid Life Lessons #1

Quarantine is teaching me a lot of things. It's been a little over eight weeks since I "went to work" and man it has been a challenge at times. I've gone through some serious grief, anxiety, depression and anger. But there is some beauty in this slowness, this isolation with my family, this being together with them. All. The. Time. I'm learning things I wouldn't have learned if this wasn't happening and the world was still moving as fast as usual. 

I'm learning...

1. My natural self. I know that sounds weird. But stick with me. I don't mean "natural" in the "letting myself go" sort of way, though I haven't used a hair product in 2 months and I've VERY rarely put on any make-up. But with the external pressures of alarm clocks and dress-code expectations and such, I'm learning I'm naturally a stay up until 11 pm and get up at 8 am kind of gal. Granted, I get up and check email and enter grades before I ever drink coffee or shower now so that's a little different. I'm learning that I'm a high messy bun, leggings and hoodies gal. I haven't worn real shoes since March 13 and my feet are loving it. I did paint my toenails this week and loved feeling pretty in some way, so I guess I'm not all natural, naturally. I prefer not to watch TV but give me all the books and the music. If it weren't for other people that live here, we might not even have TVs...

2. I like my husband. I really do. We're both teachers, so we get to be together for weeks and months at a time during school breaks, but this is different. We're home. Together. Constantly. And we're both working. And parenting. And homeschooling. And this is a weird uncertain time with worry and stress of its own but... Man, this guy and I make a great team! We are checking in with each other all the time and tag-teaming back and forth with work and school and parenting and looking out for each other. We "temperature check" each other. What percentage are you at right now, babe? 40%? Ok. I've got 70% so I'll step up for you tonight and put the kids to bed. We don't keep score. It doesn't matter how many nights he or I have had more than the other. It's about now and how we're doing moment by moment. (He just sat down next to me and I'm in my happy place now...doesn't matter where we're sitting.) Basically, I got locked in with my best friend and we like each other even more now. I'm so thankful. I knew we liked each other before but this challenge and concentrated time together has helped us learn how to team together better and solidified that we really do like each other. 

3. We ALL needed this. Man, did you not feel like society and life and everything were spinning so fast we had all lost a bit of ourselves? We didn't even have time to think about that. I have time to think and pray and listen to music and find beautiful things and walk and get my hands in the dirt and throw a ball for my dog and consider. Just consider. What is important? What is not important? What do I want my life to look like when we all re-emerge? What will I never go back to doing? What will I go back to doing? Wow. These are valuable questions. We've basically all been given a forced retreat to make plans and intentions and set priorities. I hope we're using this time wisely as such. 

4. We are responsible for each other. I teach CPR through the American Red Cross. In an old video, a pair of coworkers are eating together and notice another diner is slumped over his food. One expresses concern, while the other replies, "It's not OUR problem." That has always just caused a fire to rise up in my chest. We are all each other's problem! No...we are all each other's responsibility and honor to serve. We do not live in isolation. We live dependent on and affected by the actions of others. God gave me the people in my life and he gave me to them. Right now, my husband is shopping for two other households with more vulnerable people than ourselves. We are keeping ourselves isolated so we can keep them safe. We are wearing masks if we leave our house or get out of the car. I feel responsible to do what is best for each person I come in contact with. I have always felt that God places me in the moments he places me in for His purpose and I will do my best to serve those I cross paths with accordingly.

5. There is SO MUCH NOISE in our "normal." In my corner of the world, I cannot drive down the road or stand in line to pay for groceries without being hit by advertising. I have not watched a commercial, seen a marketing billboard or heard a radio advertisement in two months. There are not logos, and symbols and posters on the walls of my home asking me to buy something. I get to choose when I let in media right now. And my heart is healthier for it!

It's like a hot summer day in the PNW today. It's nearly 90 degrees in mid-May! So Todd and I had to walk early today. (Getting our steps these days has to be on purpose or it doesn't happen.) As I was walking, we commented on plants and bushes and dogs and birds. And I said, "I am going to miss this time." That's where I've landed for today. There have been tears. There have been nights awake dreading what's next. There has been anger and a feeling of having been robbed. But today, I am thankful for the lessons this time is affording me and the quality of life I am getting to enjoy in a home I love, with kids I love, with a husband I love and like and the lessons my God is teaching my heart. 

-- Krista

What are you loving and hating about this time? What are you celebrating? In what areas do you need support?

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